Early Intervention describes the therapies and services that are available to children with developmental delays, ages 0 to 3 years of age.
Research has proven that the first three years of life provide a critical time of brain development for a child, building the foundation for their adult life. Identification of any developmental delay concerns and addressing those concerns early with the appropriate Early Intervention therapies will enable the child to reach their full potential.The basic skill set training will include: speech therapy, occupational therapy ,physical therapy, hearing therapy, vision therapy and nutrition therapy.
In specific, the organization aims at conducting civic education and raising awareness on the importance of early intervention, creating a support system for caregivers and providing basic skill set support to caregivers of children with special needs. We believe the initiatives will enable the child require less specialized instructional support during their school years, families will be empowered to help the child during their developmental challenges, and ultimately the child will bud and reach their full potential.